Squirrels: Latest Gallery
World Book Day activities - Thursday 4th March 2021, by Miss Shaw
Topic learning w/c 1.3.21, by Miss Shaw
Maths Home Learning w/b 1.3.21, by Miss Sutherland
Topic home learning w/c 22.02.21, by Miss Shaw
Y1 home learning timetable w/b 22.2.21, by Ms Holmes
English activities w/b 22.02.2021, by Ms Holmes
Maths Home Learning w/b 22.2.21, by Miss Sutherland
Dobcroft Reading Challenge!, by Miss Hughes
Timetable w/c 8.2.21, by Miss Shaw
Safer Internet Day Tuesday 9th February, by Miss Shaw
Topic learning w/c 08.02.21, by Miss Shaw
English home learning w/b 8.2.21, by Ms Holmes
Mental Health & Baking, by Miss Tinker
Maths Home Learning w/b 8.2.21, by Miss Sutherland
Dance with Miss Mather, by Miss Shaw
Mental Health Week, by Miss Tinker
Timetable w/c 1st Feb, by Miss Shaw
Topic learning w/c 01.02.21, by Miss Shaw
English activities w/b 1.2.21, by Ms Holmes
Maths Home Learning w/b 1.2.21, by Miss Sutherland
2 minute video link for the Humanist Re lesson, by Mrs Waters
Guide to using handwriting lines, by Miss Sutherland
Lockdown 4 25.1.21 Mindfulness and cooking, by Miss Tinker
Timetable w/c 25.01.21, by Miss Shaw
Topic learning w/c 25.01.21, by Miss Shaw