Squirrels: Latest Gallery
How to help your child with writing, by Ms Holmes
English activities w/b 25.01.2021, by Ms Holmes
Maths Home Learning w/b 25.1.21, by Miss Sutherland
Sheffield Get Moving PE Challenge, by Miss Sutherland
Timetable w/c 18.01.21, by Miss Shaw
Topic home learning w/c 18.01.21, by Miss Shaw
Reading activities w/b 18th January, by Ms Holmes
Maths Home Learning w/b 18.1.21, by Miss Sutherland
English activities w/b 18.01.2021, by Ms Holmes
Timetable w/c 11.01.21, by Miss Shaw
Topic home learning w/c 11.01.21, by Miss Shaw
Maths Home Learning w/b 11.1.21, by Miss Sutherland
English activities w/b 11.01.2021, by Ms Holmes
Maths resource update, by Miss Sutherland
Knowledge organiser and timetable, by Ms Holmes
Year 1 home learning, by Ms Holmes
Zappers resource pack, by Miss Shaw
Year 1 letter regarding remote learning, by Ms Holmes
English and phonics resource pack, by Miss Shaw
Maths resource pack, by Miss Shaw
Topic remote learning w/c 4th Jan 2021, by Miss Shaw
Maths Remote Learning wk beginning 4th Jan, by Miss Sutherland
English remote learning w/b 4th Jan, by Ms Holmes
Art work in John Lewis, by Mrs Waters
Colour Mixing in the style of Monet, by Mrs Waters