Maths Home Learning w/b 25.1.21

Class: Foxes Year: 2020 - 2021

Hi Year 1,

I hope that you are all doing well.  Here are the Maths home learing activities for next week. 

There are 3 Maths lessons for next week. For each lesson there is one video and pdfs with any related activity sheets that you need.  Each PDF will be clear labelled with which lesson it goes with.  Each lesson has an independent, deepening task and challenge chest (the latter two activities are an extra challenge which your child may wish to have a go at but is not necessary).  For some lessons you will see a pdf titled supported task sheet.  This will be a sheet that focuses on the learning of the lesson but is scaffolded in a way to provide more support for your child if they happen to find the learning or setting out of the learning tricky.

You will need the following resources for these activities (paper cut out copies of physical resources are attached in our maths resource and maths resource update folder):


a number line

digit cards to 20 


Lesson 1 - number bonds to 20 

Lesson 2 - adding using a part part whole model

Lesson 3 - adding using a number line


Keep up the good work year 1, we are all very proud of you!

Year 1 Team 

Files to Download