Topic home learning w/c 18.01.21

Class: Foxes Year: 2020 - 2021

Hi Year 1,

I hope you are having a lovely time at home and have enjoyed spending some time in the snow! 

Here is the topic learning for this week:

Science - Seasonal changes. Linking back to our autumn learning, what changes can you see in winter compared to autumn? For this lesson there is the link to the lesson below and the independent task sheet.

Science seasonal changes lesson video

History - Linking to our learning of the Titanic, can you order ships made in different time periods in chronological order?  For this lesson there is the link to the lesson below, the independent task sheet and examples of ships in different decades to order.

History ordering ships lesson video

D&T - Researching shapes, materials and purpose for our boats before we design our own! For this lesson there is just the link to the lesson below.

D&T researching boats lesson video

PE - Have a go at the 60 second challenges and the 'Balance Time' worksheet. How many of the challenges can you do? Can you send a picture of you having a go at them to your class teacher?

I hope you have a lovely week. Take care, and thank you for all of your hard work (parents and children!).

Year 1 team

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