Timetable w/c 1.3.21

Class: Foxes Year: 2020 - 2021

Hi Year 1,

We hope you have a lovely last week of home learning. We are so excited to see you when you come back into school! 

Here is the timetable for next week that we will be following in school. All the resources and video links have been posted on your class gallery. Please let us know if something isn't working for you and we will do our best to accommodate as we appreciate there is a lot to juggle at home.  Please keep us posted with how you guys are doing at home and we look forward to seeing you over virtual registrations.

We are missing you all lots and are so proud of how you Foxes, Hedgehogs and Squirrels are doing at home. It's been lovely to see pictures of how you are all getting on.

Take care and sending lots of socially distanced elbow bumps,

The Year 1 team

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