Topic learning w/c 1.3.21

Class: Foxes Year: 2020 - 2021

Hi Year 1,

I hope you’ve had a lovely week of working hard and playing hard. This will be our last blog post to you for home learning as you will be coming into school the next week! We can’t wait to see all of your lovely faces.

Here is the topic learning for this week:

Geography lesson – St David’s day.
Countries of the UK song link.
Children celebrating St. David's Day link.

PE – Fairytale yoga and games.

History lesson – Ordering events of the Great Fire of London.

RSHE lesson – Managing our emotions.
Link to relaxing music for calming down tricks.

Cooking challenge – Pizza!

We hope you have a lovely last week of home learning, and can’t wait to see you very soon! 

Year 1 team J

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