Badgers: Latest Gallery
Thinku know information, by Mrs Harrison
Weekly home learning sheets, by Mrs Featherstone
Home learning 23/3/20, by Miss Chaudhry
Spelling Zappers 1 - 10 23/3/20, by Miss Chaudhry
Social story about the Coronavirus, by Mrs Harrison
Web links for parents, by Mrs Harrison
Home Learning Ideas for Foundation Stage, by Mrs Featherstone
Great ideas for working with your child at home, by Mrs Harrison
Child Friendly Coronavirus resources, by Mrs Harrison
The Gingerbread Man, by Miss Chaudhry
Yoga and Children's Mental Health Awareness Week , by Miss Sutherland
Spring term topics FS2, by Ms Cooke
FS2 - A King is Born, by Ms Cooke
FS2 - A King is Born, by Ms Cooke
Christmas play, by Ms Cooke
Build A Bear Trip reminder, by Ms Cooke
Stick Man word mat, by Ms Cooke
Subitise Rap!, by Ms Cooke
Introducing 'Stickman', by Ms Cooke
Literacy and Maths meeting (FS2), by Ms Cooke
What a busy few weeks!, by Ms Cooke
Curriculum meeting (FS2), by Ms Cooke
Spring hat parade (18.4.19), by Mrs Singh
World Book Day Competition 2019, by Miss Charles
Good to be me, by Mrs Burgan