What a busy few weeks!

Lesson: EYFS

Class: Mice Year: 2019 - 2020

Well done to all of the children in FS2 who have settled so well into their new classes. All of the teachers are feeling extremely proud of all of you! 

We have had a busy couple of weeks making new friends, finding out all of the names of other children in our class, retelling the story of 'Going on a Bear Hunt' and getting to know our new classrooms. We have been learning new songs in our daily Maths Moments to help us to remember maths facts, and we love to sing them at the top of our voices. One of our favourite things about this week has been a visit from Zip the support dog in assembly. We were so impressed with all of the different jobs he can help his handler with. 

We are learning the song 'Dancing in the Street' in our music lessons so that we can sing it together with the rest of the school to celebrate Dobcroft's 50th birthday on Friday. Please help us to practise at home!