Year 2 Snow Day Home Learning - 10.3.23

Class: Eagles Year: 2022 - 2023

Hello Year 2

Happy snow day everyone!  We of course want you to have as much fun in the snow as possible today, but here are some activites to keep you busy if you need some time inside to warm up.


English (reseach underwater animal) - Kingfishers and Eagles only.  You can start researching facts about an underwater animal ready to write your fact files next week. Use the internet and any books you may have at home to find out as much information as you possibly can.  Woodpeckers you have already done this, but if you would like to do some more research about your animal then you are more than welcome to!

English (snow day writing) - Woodpeckers.  There is a "Snow Day" creative write for Woodpeckers (and any Kingfishers and Eagles if you would like to).  Handwriting paper has been provided for you to download and write on.

Maths (pictograms) - we have been looking at representing data this week using tally charts and bar charts. Today we were going to make some pictograms! You have been given some data about animals at The Deep - can you create a tally chart, bar chart and pictogram to represent the data?  The pictogram can be created on Purple Mash (log on and go to "2Do") or a paper version has been provided if you are unable to log on to Purple Mash.


Fun Snow Day activities!  Here are some other fun activities that you may want to get stuck into today whilst you are having fun in the snow...

1. Snowball investigation - make 3 snowballs of the same size.  Wrap them in different materials or put them in different places.  Can you predict which will melt the fastest?

2. Snow family - make 3 snow people each of different heights.  Can you measure the height of the tallest and the smallest.  What is the difference between the two?

3. Maths in the snow - use the snow as your blank paper.  Can you write out your times tables?

4. Sledging - use a stopwatch to time how long it takes you to sledge down a hill.  Now try and improve that time by thinking scientifically (more streamlined, more weight, thicker snow)

5. Cosy read - after a cold time outside, it's time to get warm and cosy with a good book.  What's the cosiest place you can read? Maybe you could enjoy a hot chocolate as well!


Stay safe everyone and have a lovely weekend!


Mrs Granger, Mrs Fairfull and Miss Tinker 


Files to Download