Y1 Autumn Parents Evening Resources 9.11.20

Class: Foxes Year: 2020 - 2021

Hi all,

We hope that you are all keeping well.  Attached to this blog post are some resources that you can download and use to help support your child's learning at home.  

Handwriting - we are currently focusing on developing children's ability to sit correctly at a table, hold a pencil correctly and to form lower case letters the correct way with each letter sitting correctly on the line.  You can practise on the sheets attached and also in their home learning book.  We are also working on ensuring children know how to form capital letters and can form them larger than other letters. 

There are also some great resources on BBC bitesize linked to the letter families - curly caterpillar, ladder letters, one armed robot letters and zig-zag letters.  


Maths - these are the maths resources we are currently using in school to consolidate children's learning of addition and subtraction within 10.  We are securing children's ability to add and subtract using resources and number lines, encouraging them not to use their fingers.  We are then applying this learning to different contexts and to solve problems.


Writing - attached is a copy of the phonic mats we use in school.  These phonic mats show all of the RWI sounds children need to learn.  When sounding out to write children use these mats to help them spot a sound and support them to write it independently.

In year 1 children are working on phonetically plausible spellings so it is acceptable if they spell cake - cayk as this contains the right phonic sounds.  These mats are great to use if you are ever doing writing at home to encourage children to sound out words and try writing words independently even if they may not be spelt perfectly.

We hope you find these resources helpful and thank you for your continued support. 

Y1 Team 

Files to Download