Home Learning for WB 18.01.21

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021








Use links to website

Monday to Thursday  - daily speed sounds during live register.

You can suplement this be using the Daily Ruth Miskin phonics sessions


See videos

Practise counting items and adding two groups of objects together. This is a practical activity that will be explained in our video.



Practise number formation 1-10 (if confident 1-20).

Practise counting on from a given number using real objects. This is a practical activity which will be explained in our video.

Practise number formation 1-10 (if confident 1-20).

Practise counting on from a given number and recording it on the attached worksheet. See video for instructions.


see video flipchart

Wring frame


Use your story map from last week ro retell the story of Cinderella.

Use the sequencing cards to order the main story events.

Using the writing frame draw a picture from the beginning of the story.

Generate a sentence to go with it.

Hold the senetnce in your head and write it down


Draw and write a sentence to show what happened in the middle of the story.

Use the writing stars to check and edit your work.

Draw and write a sentence to show how the story ends.

Check your work using the writing stars. 

Make a front cover for your story. Can you write the title, author and illustrator (apologies for the spelling mistake on the last page)

Read your story aloud to someone else.






Listen to your child read for 5 minutes or read them a story.

Use Bug club online (your child’s log in details are in their reading record)

Listen to your child read for 5 minutes

Use Bug club online

Listen to your child read for 5 minutes


Draw a character using Purple Mash

Use Purple Mash to draw a character from a traditional tale. Then write a sentence underneath and save it in your purple mash tray. Watch the video to see how to do this. 

Make a piece of music to go with your character.

Watch the video to see how to do this on purple mash too!



Watch Mrs Blackburn, Mrs shepherd and Mrs lambert demonstrate the five strong shapes.

you can have a go at home too.

Joe Wicks is doing live PE sessions on his You Tube channel every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Joe Wicks


Joe Wicks



Watch the attached video.about Mindful breathing.

"It starts with a breath"


Story Time Watch Mrs Shepard retell the story of the Three Little Pigs.

Files to Download