Reception planning for the week beginning 02.11.2020

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021



This is the reception planning for this week. We are looking at missing numbers and working out one more and one less by spotting missing numbers in number lines.

We are also looking at bonfire safety, learning the bonfire rules and making firework pictures using toilet roll tubes!

10 Easy Bonfire Night and Firework Craft Ideas for Children | North Leeds  Mumbler | Your Local Parenting Community

Below is everything you will need. Remember, learning through play should be most of your day with about an hour of working with an adult each day - this can be broken up into shorter tasks to keep children engaged. Baking is a great way to learn!

Phonics is at Ruth, and if you google Ruth Miskin phonics for parents you will find lots of guidance and advice for helping your child make progress in reading.

As always, if you have any queries, or concerns, please email your child's teeacher. Their email address is on the class page of the website, or you can contact the school. 

Have a great week!

The Foundation Stage Team


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