Planning wk 17/5/21

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021



Discuss different kinds of relationships e.g. with friends, family, wider community.

Share children’s family SEAL activity.
Physical Children to practise throwing and catching. Children to rotate around five different curcuit activities.

Daily Phonics

Phonic Assessments - Please see your childs reading diary for next steps.

Writing instructions for making cress sandwiches.


Recapping  the value of 1p. 2p, 5p, 10p and 20p coins.

Children to read the price tag and explore different ways to pay using 1p ans 2p coins.

What items could we buy for 10p - party bag maths sheet

Expressive Arts

Children to implement design sheets to make some food for the hungry caterpillar.

Children to evaluate their work.

The World Children to make cress sandwiches.
Communication Children to explore non  fiction books. Identify diffferent features of a non fiction book.

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