Planning 24/5/21

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021

PSHE Children to share family seal activity about different celebration/ family time.
Children to reflect in what they have learnt this half term. Record on fish for display.
Literacy Daily sound of the day. One sound a day and review previous sounds. 
Individual reading with the class teacher
Children to carry out writing for end of year report. Children to write about their favourite moments in FS2. Children to select the photograph they would like to go with their memory
Maths Daily Maths moments
Making a given total.
Children to sort fish in ponds.
Those that total 10 / not 10
Include addition, subtraction and problems involving more than two numbers.
Taking it further
Make their own game to challenge a friend.
Expressive Arts

Making resources for the class role play.Children to draw a portrait of themselves for the front of their report.

Undertanding the World Children to read books about seaside environmnets. Children to draw pictures and label them with four different things tha we could put in a seaside role play.
Physical Set up a selection of throwing and catching activities. Divide children in to groups and practise moving around the circuit.

Look at the non - Fiction book eating the alphabet. Children to practise ordering food itens in alphabetical order.

Can children match upper and lower case letters together?