Planning 12/721

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021

PSED Celebrate the fantastic year the children have had in FS2.
Circle time   … I have enjoyed  
Give children time to share their summer holiday plans.

Daily sound of the day. One sound a day and review previous sounds. 

Read This is the bear and the Picnic Lunch ( available on youtube)
Explain that we are going to have an end of term celebration event in our outdoor area. Children to suggest ideas for decorations, games music etc.

Children to write an invitation inviting a friend to our celebration.

See writing frame..


Daily Maths Moment

Maths Challenge

Children to use shopping sheet to practise shopping for a party.
What could they buy for 10p? Children to draw pictures and record by writing a number sentence

Expressive Arts

Children to make name card for celebration afternoon
Children to make decorations for class out door area
Lanterns, hanging spirals paper chains, bunting etc.


Children to choose and vote for their three favourite songs for class celebration
Could record using a Tally chart.


PE – PE bags home 

Parachute games outside if dry or circuit activities.

Understanding the World Biscuit icing
Baking bread
Making a sandwich

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