Mrs Featherstone's Blog 6th April 2020

Class: Otters Year: 2019 - 2020

Hello Rabbits! 

I hope you are all well and you enjoyed the nice weather this weekend. Everything is warming up and all the plants and animals are really enjoying some sunshine. 

Would you like to see some things I've looked at this week?

On Wednesday I photographed the sunrise and the sunset

Can you tell which is the sunrise and which is the sunset?

I have been sewing a lot this week. The doctors and nurses in the hospitals in Sheffield need uniforms called scrubs to wear when they are looking after poorly people. They have not got enough so I have joined a big group of people sewing scrubs for doctors. I love to sew and it makes me feel good to help. 


Have you been making anything? You can send me photos - I'd love to see!

Last night I was looking out of my window and I saw two wonderful things

Can you see what is flying in the sky? Yes!! it's a bat! I was so excited! There were two of them and they were flying so fast and changing direction really suddenly, trying to catch insects. Bats like to come out at night and the best time to see them is at twilight. Maybe you could look and see if there are any in your garden?

I also saw the moon glowing through the trees and it looked magical!

In my other blog I showed you some pictures of my bulbs growing. Would you like to see what they look like now?


Look how much they have grown!

I am going to try today to find a way to stop the squirrels eating all the seeds that I put out for the birds. They are very cheeky creatures!

Stay safe and send me pictures if you like - I love to see what you are getting up to!

Love from Mrs F xx