Mrs Featherstone's blog

Class: Otters Year: 2019 - 2020

Hello Rabbits!

I hope you are enjoying being with your families?

We went fro a walk in the woods yesterday. We saw a tree that had been cut down and we counted the rings. Guess how old it was? 140 years!!

The wood smelled like ketchup!

A honey bee came to join us. She was soaking up the sunshine and warming herself up. 

There were lots of trees with moss on. The moss felt soft and cool.

These are moss flowers. They are really small. Who do you think might live in this hole?

Can you find some moss in your garden? can you find any holes where creatures might live? Could you make a fairy house?

Have a great time in the sunshine. Stay safe lovely Rabbits! I miss you!

Love from Mrs F