Maths Home Support

Lesson: Maths

Class: Foxes Year: 2020 - 2021

Hi all,

I hope you are all doing well.  Thank you all so much for all of your support with your children's maths learning while they have been at home.  We have recieved some wonderful feedback from parents saying how much they have enjoyed knowing what the children have been learning about in school and being able to better understand how to support their child's maths learning.

Due to this we wanted to continue to share what we will be learning in maths, and give some ideas of how you could support this at home.

Below outlines what we will be teaching for the rest of the half term with an overview of what the children will be expected to know.  Attached to this post are also knowledge organisers for each area so you can see the y1 expectations for these strands. 


Over the next two weeks we will be learning about fractions - halving and quartering.

Children will learn that a whole can be split into two and then four equal parts. 

How to support at home:

The best way to support this learning is to practically half and quarter objects at home - this might be a piece of playdough, a cake, pizza, sandwich, apple, amount  of lego cubes or anything else you can think of that you can split equally into two or four parts.

Some 'to do's have also been set of purple mash if you wish to do them.


Following on from this we will be learning about time.

Children will need to be able to order the days of the week and months of the year and then read the time on an anolgue clock for o'clock and half past.

The link below is a good time game that you could play.

How to support at home:

The best way to support the learning of time is for a child to practise reading the time and having a watch with a clock face on.


Thank you again for your continued support.

Y1 team


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