Home Learning wk beginnng 27.4.20

Class: Foxes Year: 2019 - 2020

Hi year 1,

We hope that you are all doing well, and enjoyed some of the home learning tasks last week.

Here are some new activities for you this week.

Please don't feel they are complusrary we just wanted to give some tasks that could be completed if you wish to. 


Maths - capacity and volume

English - becomming and author; activities based around the story Dinosaur That Pooped A Planet (we hope you all received the email of this being read at school last week)

Phonics - phonopoly, colouring sound mosiacs, read and roll games, phoneme spotters

Topic - art (creating your own dinosaur), PE (create an animal dance), Bingo Challenges (short little activities and fun ideas - see how many you can tick off)

On Thursday we are having a Mexican Day at school, you could do the same at home by learning Spanish, talking to your families about the country and maybe eating some Mexican Food! We have included some resourcs if you'd like to join in and we'd love to see any photos if you do. 

Teachers are checking their emails and love to hear from you all and see how you are doing! (Again you don't need to send us the completed learning, it's not for marking but we do love seeing pictures of what you've been getting up to!) 


We miss you all.

Stay safe and Healthy,

The Year 1 Team 

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