Home Learning wk beginning 4.5.20

Class: Foxes Year: 2019 - 2020

Hi Year 1,

We hope that you are all doing well.  Here are some home learning activities for you this week if you would like to do them.  You do not have to do these, but they are there to help you if you'd like to.

This week we have some really exciting challenges for you;

Maths - measuring

English - Little Red Riding Hood

Topic; bingo challenges (how many can you complete), PE (personal challenge), outdoor learning (create your own necklace) and Science (animals).

On Wednesday we are having a French day in school, we have included some resources for you if you'd like to do the same at home.

As always please tweet or email us pictures, we love to know how you're getting on and what you are up to.

Stay safe

Year 1 team 

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