Foundation Stage weekly blog 6th April 2020

Class: Mice Year: 2019 - 2020

Hello Foundation Stage families!

We hope you are well and staying safe. This week is Easter holidays week 2. We hope you get some Easter eggs and maybe some hot cross buns. 

The teachers have been working hard to keep the school open for people who's Mummies and Daddies are working in hospitals. They have been making the most of the sunny weather and playing outside lots. 

What have you been up to? Here are some photos that I have been sent of children working at home. There are lots from the Mice class and some from the Rabbits. If you are a ladybird or a badger and you would like me to put your photo on the website for everyone to see, then please send them to me at

and I will pop them on.

These are from Imaani, Isla, and Millie from the Mice class


Wow! What fabulous writing! We love that they have used finger spaces and have listened carefully and written all the sounds in the right order so that we can read what they have written!

Millie and her brother have made a list of all the things they saw on their scooter ride. What a fantastic idea! Maybe you could draw or write a list of the things you can see out of your window, or on your daily walk?


Ayaan was being a teacher, and Neve found some sticks shaped like letters! How clever!


Leo drew a stegosaurus, Max had his 5th birthday, and Isla worked out with Joe Wicks! Brilliant! Keep your pictures coming!

Did any of you make the banana cake in the recipe from last week?

This week Mrs Pemberton made brownies. They were delicious!

Here is the recipe:

If you do any baking, send us your pictures to upload!

We miss you! Stay safe,

The Foundation Stage Team xx