Beat the Street

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021

Hi all,

I hope everyone is doing well.  I wanted to share with you an exciting event that I have signed Dobcroft Infant School up for next month - Sheffield's Beat the Street Challenge.  The aim of this is to turn the whole city of Sheffield into a giant game to increase children's activity levels in their local area with children visiting tagging fobs at specially set up stations in their local area and the wider city of Sheffield.

The event will run from 16th June - 28th July with each week having a new theme.
Each pupil at our school will receive a free fob, a map, a card for a parent / guardian and a parent pack.  These will be sent to us the first week back after half term and we will pass them onto children as we receieve them. 
As a school we will compete in a local league table with other schools in the area. There will be a total points and an average leaderboard for each locality with winners of each competition receiving £125 of Waterstones or Decathlon vouchers.  There will be other prizes given out during the event as well. 
The link below will take you too the website for the event and provide more details and a map of where the tagging locations will be. 
As a school we will be promoting this event, and encouraging children to take part and thinking of ways that we can include this in our lessons.  If you get involved in anyway please tweet us and send pictures to your class teacher.
We can't wait to start the event and hope everyone enjoys it.
Miss Sutherland 
PE co-ordinator