Autumn Jelly

Lesson: Science

Class: Otters Year: 2018 - 2019

Rabbits have been busy this afternoon creating autumn jelly. We went out to collect signs of autumn around school. We found conkers, different coloured leaves, sticks, pine cones and other exciting objects. We then added them to water and vege-gel (gelatine suitable for vegetarians) and are going to leave them to set overnight.

We hope that tomorrow we will be able to use the magnifying glasses to look closely at what has been hidden inside. Once we've had a good look, we can't wait to get our hands into the jelly and see what it will feel like. Some Rabbits thought that the jelly would feel soft, others thought it might feel slimy, sticky and like goo. We can't wait until tomorrow to see if we were right!

Here is the link to the instructions on how to make your own autumn jelly at home.


Mrs C and the Rabbits