School Council

We have a vibrant and active school council that meets regularly to talk about things that matter to the pupils.

Each class has two, peer elected, volunteers to act on behalf of their classmates.  The agenda is chosen by the pupils during class discussions and the issues are taken to the meetings.  Much like the outside world, solutions are discussed and voted on and implemented.  

Sometimes, 'the school' suggests agenda items for the children to discuss solutions to.  This enables children to own those issues and solutions, making them more relevant and more likely to be dealt with.

Things the school council are discussing at the moment are:

What do we like about our school dinners and what would we like to see more of?

Ideas are currently being shared with our school caterers Taylor Shaw and school council have had the opportunity to meet with Taylor Shaw, taste some new recipes for the weekly menu's and feed back to our classes about this experience and then gather their ideas and suggestions.

School council also discussed suggestions about how to raise money for Sports Relief and subsequently organised sponsored activities for each group.  After listening to feedback from Y1 children their sponsored walk was changed to a sponsored ball skills activity.

Mrs Holmes and Miss Hughes currently facilitates the school council meetings.