How To Help At Home

At Dobcroft Infant School, partnership with families is central to our practice. In the summer term before your child starts at pre-school, you will be invited to visit the classroom with them and to meet the team. You will also be offered a home visit, where staff from school come to see you and your child at home, so that they can learn about each child’s likes and dislikes, family life, and to answer any questions or queries that you may have prior to starting in the autumn term.

Prior to starting in with us, it is always a great help if you can support your child in becoming gradually more independent with day to day tasks such as finding their own belongings (bag, coat, and water bottle), putting on their coat, going to the toilet and washing their hands independently, and asking an adult for help if they need it. We understand that the children are very little, and staff are always on hand to help them should they need it, but practising skills such as these are the foundation for being independent learners later on in school.

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