
Dobcroft Pre-School is for 3 and 4 year olds. Our challenging and exciting environment provides a stepping stone to starting school - developing key skills that will help children to become confident and independent learners. Our skilled practitioners enable children to investigate, enquire, explore, and theorize about the world around them - supporting their developing personalities and their growing confidence.

Themes and Principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage

Every person is unique and this is represented in our Pre-School in everything we do. We follow your child's interests to ensure that they are motivated and curious about their learning. Dobcroft prides itself on its expert early years practitioners that are skilled in developing the best possible environment for your child. We do this through developing strong, positive relationships not only with the children in our care but with the most important people in their lives, their families. All of this combined means that we offer an environment, both physically end emotionally, that can be relied upon to foster the best possible future for your child.

The Characteristics of Effective learning underpin the Foundation Stage (the years from birth to 5). These characteristics focus on the child as a learner and encourage the development of skills and attributes such as trying new things, having a go, making links between things you have learned or experiences you have had, being interested in things, finding things out, having your own ideas and testing them - skills which make you a good learner. Our teachers and teaching assistants are experts at setting up activites which bring out these characteristics in young children.

We believe that fun and engagement are at the core of the desire to learn. Once children want to learn, then promoting the development of good language and communication and supporting their growing characteristics of effective learning such as resilence and resourcefulness are the bedrock for all other learning ... if we get this right at a young age then children will grow to be confident, articulate, life-long learners.


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