Foundation Stage 2 - The Gingerbread Man

Lesson: EYFS

Class: Mice Year: 2023 - 2024

This half term, Foundation Stage 2 will be looking at the story of 'The Gingerbread Man'. We will be designing and making different ways for the Gingerbread Man to cross the river, and then evaluating our creations once finished, thinking about whether we would change anything if we were to make them again. Parachutes, wibbly wobbly bridges, speedboats, jet packs, and all manner of different and and creative ways to get the Gingerbread Man across were designed last week. We can't wait to get making them all next week!

In maths, we will be ordering characters from the story by height, using the words 'taller', 'shorter', 'tallest', and 'shortest'. We will also have a go at measuring objects using non-standard units, such as our hands or unifix cubes. 

SEAL.pngOver the next few weeks as part of our SEAL learning, the children will be sharing why it's "good to be me". Each child has been invited to bring in a special object or photograph to speak about with others in their class. Please look out for a letter in your child's bookbag to tell you which date they will need to bring this. We will be practising speaking and listening skills. thinking of questions to ask each other about our special object or photograph, and noticing similarities and differences between ourselves and our peers. We can't wait to hear all about what is special to all of the children! 

Later on in the term, we will be reading the story 'The Runaway Chapati' by Susan Price. You can watch the story by clicking the link below. We will be noticing similiarities and differences between this story and that of 'The Gingerbread Man'. You might like to think about these at home once you have watched the story.