(20.4.18) Summer Term is very busy!

Class: Squirrels Year: 2017 - 2018

Summer Term is here, how did that happen? In Year 1 we are very busy. The Foxes are currently going swimming on a Monday - then it will be the Rabbits turn! The Squirrel class did it last term and really enjoyed it. We are also having some cricket coaching - which we started last week and that is really good. We have been learning about bowling and fielding! The Year group is going to be getting some park tennis coaching - so we will definitely be fit for summer!

Dinosaurs is going to be our topic this term, we will be making clay dinosaur footprints and learning about timelines too. We are hoping to exhibit all our work for parents at the end of term in our dinosaur museum. We really love our history topics and I am sure the children will love it as much as they did the Titanic.

If there are any parents out there, who would love to share their job or hobby with the year group please do let us know, we have had an Olympian in, a pilot and a vet. The children love to hear real life experiences.

Enjoy the sun while it lasts!